Creating a Community of Learners

Creating a Community of Learners

Monday, July 9, 2012

Reflection 2

What attitudes, skills, and concepts have you gained from participating in the course so far?
Through this course, I have gained confidence in my ability to learn new technologies.  At first, it was intimidating to try new online tools like Google Reader, Diigo, Voice Thread, Google Docs, Skype, and Weebly.  However, I was quite impressed that I was able to figure out these new technologies through trial and error on my own.  I had no idea there were so many free online tools available on the web.  I will definitely continue to use these tools and try to tackle any other new technologies that come my way.  I will also continue to use and build my PLN.  This course has given me the confidence to join an incredible online learning community.  Thanks to this course, I now have a new addiction to blogging!
What have you learned in the course that you will not forget tomorrow?
I will not forget about the importance of teaching my students 21st century skills.  In addition to the new common core standards, I will strive to teach my students about critical thinking, problem solving, communication, and collaboration.  As I plan my instruction, I will also incorporate the National Education Technology Standards as I facilitate learning through technology.  I will also remember the importance of assessing my students learning with performance based assessments.
How will you apply what you have learned to your teaching and future learning?
For the last year I have been considering trying to create electronic portfolios for my students.  However, I had no idea where to begin.  I had learned about electronic portfolios in other courses at ISU, but I never had the chance to figure out the logistics.  This course has given me the opportunity to learn more about electronic portfolios on my own.  As my final project, I have created a Weebly website to house the electronic portfolios as well as a template for student portfolios.  I plan to test pilot the portfolios this fall. 

1 comment:

  1. Shephanie,

    It's an exciting time in education - we can connect to other professionals and we can connect our students with their peers around the world. Take a look at what Kathy Cassidy has done with her first graders in Canada:

    Dr. T
